Privacy Switch

Simply put, Mobil-I can install a privacy switch to each GPS Tracking system which when activated, will deactivate all location tracking

A privacy switch is available as an optional extra and is operated by flicking a toggle switch on or off. This can be used to mask all private driving when the vehicle is being utilised for non-work activities.

When the switch is thrown a red tell-tale LED light is activated.  All activity reports for the vehicle can still be run via the MS Track Web Reporting Module when the privacy switch is not activated.

Mobil-I have the unique ability to add vehicle immobilisation to its list of value-added solutions. Ideally suited to plant equipment rental companies.  The customer can deactivate a vehicle remotely via our mobile app MST Mobile and our website MS Track Web.

Key features:

  • Activated remotely via our smartphone app, MSTMobile
  • Easily immobilise a vehicle on rental which has gone outside of its rental time agreement
  • Help protect a vehicle kept in remote locations or at the side of the road
  • Reduce unnecessary wear and tear
  • Recover costs due to out-of-scope rental agreements

Mobil Information Systems Limited